We are Committed to Your Health
Alicja B. Poleszak, MD is a practicing Family Practitioner in Elmhurst, IL. Dr. Poleszak graduated from Pomorska Akademia Medyczna in 1993 and has been practicing since. She takes a holistic approach towards her patients, focusing on the patient’s well-being as a whole.
For Appointment: Call 708-487-6611
Our Medical Services
Family Medicine
Functional Medicine
Intergative Medicine
Hormon Replacement Therapy
IV Therapy
Our Esthetic Services
Microneedling with PRP
Collagen Stimulators
A Simple, Affordable Approach to Health Care
We understand the value of health and thus endeavor to make sure that no mistakes occur, and you get nothing but the best services possible. You can reach out to us for routine medical care along with disease management and physical exams, lab testing, and similar other health issues. We offer high-quality healthcare services for the entire family and that too at affordable rates. We have ensured that our staff deals with all our patients with compassion and professionalism.
Your Health Starts Here
Flexible appointments and urgent care.