Hormon Replacement Therapy

Hormone replacement therapy is used for relieving symptoms of menopause. The therapy works by replacing the female hormones that are at low levels during menopause.
Menopause is a drastic change that can be overwhelming to deal with. During this period, the ovaries in women stop producing eggs, and thus monthly periods seize. It usually occurs during the 50s. However, it can occur at an earlier age in some cases as well.
Menopause and hormonal changes can take a toll on your physical and mental health. You can contact us for hormone replacement therapy so that you do not have to face such issues. Hormone replacement therapy can be started when you commence experiencing menopausal symptoms. However, keep in mind that this therapy is not suitable for pregnant ladies or those with a history of breast cancer, blood clots, or heart disease. Women having high blood pressure or liver disease should also stay away from HRT.
HRT also has certain side effects, including breast tenderness, fluid retention, indigestion, bloating, headache, and depression, among others. There are some risks involved in the therapy as well.
It is vital that the medical practitioner takes a detailed history and conducts a thorough physical examination before starting hormone replacement therapy. This is where you can trust us not to disappoint you. We will make sure that you are provided with the right guidance during the therapy, and all the risks, benefits, and potential side effects are explained to you in great detail.
In case we feel that hormone replacement therapy might not be the best option for you, we will also guide you regarding the alternatives that you have.
Therefore, if you are approaching menopause and are contemplating using hormone replacement therapy, contact us to know more about it. You will not be disappointed.

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103 Haven Rd, Elmhurst, IL 60126